
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New sequence for adults with developmental disability class

In June I introduced a new element into my class for adults with developmental disabilities. I added a savasana after the warm up postures, based on sequencing principles from Yoga Warriors. It's a shorter savasana, 2 - 3 minutes and is intended to provide more opportunity in the class for relaxation, particularly for individuals who are quite aroused. 

Now, one of the challenges with sequencing any group class is meeting the needs of all the participants. There are individuals in the class who are quite aroused and this seems to have a calming effect. However, there is one fellow who is generally relaxed so the first time I added it in, it put him to sleep. The good news is that  he was able to wake up quite quickly and continued to participate in class. The staff who participate in the class had positive feedback on the experience and reported that it was relaxing. 

I'm interested to know if there are any sequencing principles you have tried and found effective? Feel free to share on this page or drop me a line.


  1. I want to first say that Joanne, you are an amazing teacher! Your patience and gentle spirit have made yoga with our group such a positive experience. Anyone who has the chance to be in one of your classes is very fortunate.

    Knowing the group you are talking about as I do, I know that you are working with a large group with many different personality types which is not an easy task.
    I really liked when you introduced this new element. It was interesting to see the different responses like reaching a good state of being calm right down to falling asleep.:)

    This new element is wonderful and very effective. It will be interesting to read about sequencing principals others have tried.


  2. Thanks for your kind words Julie!
