
Monday, December 31, 2012


Have you made a new year’s resolution? I’ve been thinking about resolutions, as is often the case at this time of year. I sometimes make them but often don’t as it feels like I’m setting myself up for some huge goal that I likely won’t keep. I have a friend who used to make it his resolution to drink more water; he felt that was one he could keep.
Here is another way to approach resolutions. At the end of svasana I sometimes suggest that students think about what they would like to invite into their lives and what they would like to let go of. Without spending a lot of time deliberating, it’s an opportunity to open up to possibility and let go of what is not serving you.
I tried this at a class I attended today. During svasana I asked myself the question, and then had an image of floating in clouds, slowly removing straps from around my shoulders of a weight that I was carrying. It felt so free.
So as you end 2012, I invite you to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and think about what you would like to invite into your life and what you would like to let go of. Take the first thought or image that comes into your mind. As you inhale invite it into your life. As you exhale release what you need to let go of.

Peace, peace, peace.

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